Several years ago, Mastercard had a series of commercials that were brilliant when it came to marketing their credit cards. As music played and scenes from a father and son’s trip to a major league baseball park flashed in the background, the monologue was, “2 tickets: $46. 2 hotdogs, 2 popcorns, 2 sodas: $27. 1 autographed baseball: $50. Real conversation with an 11-year-old son: PRICELESS! There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else there’s Mastercard.”
I cannot help but think of what a “PRICELESS” commercial would look like for Camp Lurecrest. As music and memories of past summer camp experiences play in the background, here’s how the monologue might go: “Deposit for camp: $75. Ranch House expense: $50. Bus transportation: $50. Camp Fee: $635. Seeing a hand-written note in your child’s bathroom the day after camp that says "He loves you, Trust Him."…PRICELESS! There are some things money can’t buy, but eternal impact and life-changing experiences happen at Camp Lurecrest.”
Maybe you and your family have had PRICELESS experiences at Camp Lurecrest. If so, you know you cannot put a price on the incalculable impact on your child and on your family’s future. PRICELESS experiences include hearing about the person and work of Jesus, growing in your faith, or coming to Jesus in faith for the very first time.
For these and thousands more PRICELESS moments, we give all glory to God as He has worked in and through the lives of campers, summer staff, volunteers, and full-time staff. Thousands of lives have been changed at camp, and Lord willing, thousands more will be changed. That is truly PRICELESS!